Essay Topics to help you write an Outstanding Essay

Essay writing often scares most students. Most students take up lots of time trying to figure out the right topic for their essays. However, you can now save that time by using the following exciting and compelling issues as your own. Just pick one from among the list below and get started with your essay.

Aggressive Essay Topics

  • Capital punishment should be completely phased out.
  • The government should have restrictions on tobacco selling.
  • Marijuana shouldn’t be used in prescription drugs.
  • Using animals as test subjects should be illegal.
  • Is the moon a fake satellite? Why?
  • Reasons why you should not trust the government with your data
  • The government should recall all firearms in civilian possession.
  • What the government doesn’t want you to know about fluorinated water.
  • Religions should pull down all sculptors and idols.
  • All countries should build electric fences along their borders.

Informative Essay Topics

  • What are the reasons that make men reluctant to submit?
  • What ways can you use to exterminate pests from your area of residence?
  • What methods can you use for applying to college?
  • Why do most youths turn to drugs?
  • Under what circumstances do students drop out of college?
  • What are the real reasons behind suicide cases?
  • Which countries are the best tourist destinations?
  • What are the reasons for the occurence of global warming, and what are the ways we can reduce it?
  • The moon is older than the earth; here’s why.
  • What happens moments before a person dies?

Obvious Essay Topics

  • The person who changed me completely.
  • Depict a character from a distant past.
  • Extensively depict your character.
  • Depict your upbeat spot.
  • The experience you had that forever changed your life.
  • What are some of the changes you would make if, by any chance, you created it?
  • A day of your diary.
  • The most thrilling night of your life.
  • Depict an adventure from the encounters with extraterrestrials.
  • Depict the most embarrassing moment in college.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Online dating or Real-life
  • Twitter vs. Facebook
  • Phone communication vs. Skype
  • Washington’ ideas vs. Lincoln’s ideas
  • Students without or with part-time jobs
  • Shopping at malls vs. Buying things online
  • Extroverts or Introverts
  • Textbooks or E-Books
  • Non-fiction or fiction books
  • Harvard or Oxford

Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Is it okay to give students good grades extra incentives?
  • College students should have school uniforms.
  • What are the benefits and disadvantages of using mobile phones for academic reasons?
  • Is it okay for students to evaluate their tutors?
  • Why do celebrities influence teen girls?
  • Economics rules human behavior.
  • Who has the most influence on teenager’s behavior?
  • Are vampires real?
  • Is time travel possible?
  • Having more than four kids is irresponsible.

General essay topics

  • What is the future of mankind?
  • The judicial system. How to handle a civil case
  • The history of civilization.
  • A day in the life of a police officer
  • The evolution of the wheel.
  • Where did life originate?
  • The effects of smoking cannabis.
  • The compound effect.
  • God, divinities, and religion.
  • The real nature of man.


When writing your essay, it’s essential to base your facts, arguments, and examples around the topic you choose. Use the above topic samples to write an outstanding essay. Remember, always present your work in an orderly fashion.